Welcome, New Credit Matters Customers!

We Need You to Sign Our Experian Dispute Letter Template.
We’ve found that Experian will not investigate any dispute letters that are not signed by the consumer. Only Experian requires a signature on the dispute letters. TransUnion and Equifax do not require your signature when disputing. When downloading the Dispute Signature Template, you’ll notice that there aren’t any disputes on this Template. Instead, we create your custom disputes and then merge them into a copy of this signed Template, which is then mailed to Experian on your behalf.
Step 1: Open up the Experian Dispute Letter Template via Adobe PDF Reader.
If you do not have Adobe PDF Reader, you can download the reader from Adobe.
Step 2: Fill Out, Print, and Sign the Template.
Please clearly sign your name in dark, black ink.
Step 3: Mail the signed Template to:
Credit Matters
2654 W. Lawrence St.
Appleton, WI 54914
Credit Scoring Basics

GreenBayGreg of Dellaire Realty interviews the president of Credit Matters, Dan Krueger, to discuss the basics of credit repair and credit scoring.